When you use DRM-X 4.0 platform, there's something to notice. To make protection safer, please select a series of necessary options to prevent piracy. It's very important to do these settings in the beginning.
We recommend Windows Business Account or above to protect files that for commercial sale.
At least, using different license profiles to protect different kinds of contents. If you use the same License Profile to protect your files, they can be opened by the same license. If your need higher security level, we recommend that you encrypt each file with different license profiles. It's more secure, but your users have to acquire licenses for each file.
They shouldn't be more than half a year. Longer expiration date will cause trouble when you revoke License and reset Rights. Shorter expiration date is more secure.
Dynamic Watermark can show users' personal information. For example, user's mobile phone number, passport number, user id and so on. It's not for showing your company logo. Your company logo can be directly encode into videos. Dynamic Watermark can be used for Legal evidence purpose. People won't record the video when they see their mobile phone number or passport number showing on it. For watermark settings, please select Username. When you create user in DRM-X 4.0 Account, you can use user's mobile phone number as Username. You can also integrate with your web site and customize watermark text.
We recommend that you open Second Watermark. You can choose different watermark color 1~4. It enhances watermark security. It supports Windows & MacOS, and requires Xvast version
License Rights Settings:
If your contents are cracked, you can select Revoke License option in License Profile. It will revoke license when user open your content with Internet Connection. Then, you can force users upgrade to the latest client software and resend license. If you find someone records your video (by watermark text you can know which user) or someone asks for refund, you can revoke his license. You can also revoke someone's license in Users Revoke. Only Enterprise Account can use this function.
Revoke License:
Revoke End User's License:
Enter the "user" management page, click "Revoke" to enter the page to revoke the user license.
In DRM-X 4.0, Haihaisoft Smart Prevent Screen Recording Technology can automatically and effectively detect Screen Recording software. It helps content providers better control the Rights of their DRM-X 4.0 protected content.
Haihaisoft Smart Prevent Screen Recording Technology is big enhancement compare previous Haihaisoft Blacklist feature. Blacklist can only prevent screen recording or capturing software in the Blacklist, currently nearly about 200 common screen recording and capturing software. But Smart Prevent Screen Recording Technology is much smarter than Blacklist, it detects all major currently screen recording software and even future screen recording software.
To turn on Haihaisoft Smart Prevent Screen Recording Technology, you have to purchase DRM-X 4.0 Enterprise account, and in Rights->Edit Rights, please choose Enable Haihaisoft Smart Prevent Screen Recording Technology.
You can enhance security level by using the latest Xvast. If you don't know whether it's necessary to upgrade to the latest Xvast, you can contact with Haihaisoft Customer Service. You can set it on your DRM-X 4.0 Account: "Account Settings" -> "Force Use Latest Xvast".
If you don't integrate with your website and use the standard DRM-X Admin. Don't set the Rights price to 0, it prevents users obtain license for an unlimited of times. We recommend that you set the number of hardware bindings for the end user. When hardware binding is enabled, the user can only obtain the license for the specified number of devices.
If you are have integrated DRM-X with your website, we recommended that you enable hardware binding for the end users so that security is optimal. If hardware binding is not enable, you must limit the number of times for user can acquire a license (through integration), which improves security.
If you want your customers to download videos on iOS, you must have the following characteristics in the link, with _P. For example, the link contains _P.mp4 or _P.mp3, which is case-insensitive. Or contains xvast. You can include one of these characteristics in any location on the download link, then Xvast for iOS recognizes and supports downloads.