There are three ways you can choose to setup your users:1.Create your users on your DRM-X account panel. 2. Register to be your Users automatically.2.1 Create a New Account It will pop up the dialog below when your user open your content. If he/she don't have an account, then he/she can register to be your user right now. Click the link in the red box: >>Create a New Account 2.2 Approve the UserYou will see the new registered user's information on your DRM-X account panel. You have to approve the user account before they can use it. Login your DRM-X account and click the Users link in the left menu. Find the certain user registered just now and click the Edit. You will see the Edit User window like the pic below, then click the Yes if you want to approve the User account.3. Use your own User system on your website.You can also integrate DRM-X with your website. Then you can manage all your users on your server and your users also don't need to register on DRM-X again if they registered on your webiste before.Integrate your website with DRM-X 4.0 platform.Integrate your website with DRM-X 3.0 platform.
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